Morrells Joining Letters 2 Words (Box of 50)


ISBN: 9780957633148

Pack of 50 books

Joining Letters 2 is the next workbook in the series and progresses from joined-up letters to words. This practical new workbook provides extra cursive handwriting practice and progresses from joining letters to joining whole words.

The newly developed and innovative Bounce Technique helps teach the writer a good joining technique and stores the joining movement in the muscle memory. This workbook is perfect for improving confidence and understanding of cursive handwriting.

Part of the Joining Letters series.

This workbook is non photocopiable
Purchase the Morrells Teacher’s Book, if you would like to photocopy.

SayHola Reviews

"We introduced the handwriting workbooks last year and they have been a great success. The children enjoy them and take pride in their work, looking forward to their weekly handwriting sessions. As a teacher, I find the workbooks provide an excellent resource for teaching handwriting. Working through the workbooks has enabled progression throughout the year groups. I definitely recommend these workbooks"Jenny Merrison - Year 2 teacher
"I have been in teaching for 20 years and this is the most useful guide to improving handwriting. Very informative! Primary School Teacher - January 2020"
"The layout in these books is clear and easy to follow with a dyslexia friendly presentation. I highly recommend these books."Jenny Aldington, SPLD Consultant, Kelvin Grove School
"The books are great, exactly what I was looking for."Parent

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