Handwriting guides for teachers

Handwriting lessons in school

Even in this digital age, every 4 -18 year old should be able to write legibly, fluently and at a reasonable speed to ensure exam success.

From day one our mission statement has been ‘it’s never too late’ to rescue handwriting regardless of age or ability.

The Morrells Handwriting resources have a proven track record for being successfully used in primary and secondary schools and at home by 4 – 18 year old students across the globe.

In the 23 years that I have worked in the mainstream and special needs sector training children in handwriting techniques, this has to be the most logical system I have encountered. It doesn’t detract or confuse the writer; it’s fun and relates to everyone!
Marilyn Tinkler, British Council Ambassador NW

This new series of handwriting resources will help your school teach handwriting to the requirements of the new National Curriculum. It is designed to create life-long fluent and legible writers using the Morrells Handwriting Bounce Technique and can be easily slotted into the English lesson, saving you time and money. Handwriting is relevant throughout all school subjects and Morrells Handwriting can be used by children, teenagers and adults.

Each workbook offers rapid improvements for beginners, ESOL and EAL learners, as well as students with dyspraxia and dyslexia and those seeking a more mature cursive handwriting.

Thank you so much. How refreshing to find a helpful supplier!
Mountjoy School

  • Using quality and effective handwriting resources helps all students to develop their writing at their own pace.
  • It is important spend time developing and nurturing children to master handwriting, allowing ample time in the classroom is integral to achieving results.
  • Keeping children interested – how to maintain attention and keep it fun by giving them a purpose to their writing. Selecting the right resources to not make it feel like it is learning will help.
  • Encourage parents to continue student’s handwriting development at home through help and advice which will provide benefits in the classroom.
  • Having the correct knowledge to teach children handwriting in line with the curriculum in the most efficient way.

Our Promise to you:

  • A handwriting resource that can be used regardless of another scheme being used in the school, giving you all round flexibility.
  • A simple, but effective resource that can be used by children, teenagers and adults in the classroom or at home.
  • Attention to detail ensures that you can be confident of our reliability and customer service.
  • We have not stopped learning and we are constantly researching the mechanics of handwriting, so we can offer the best handwriting resources.
  • We take pride in knowing that our resources lead to success in all aspects of learning.

Very prompt service, extremely efficient, thank you. Your quick response has made my day!
Headteacher, Westwood Park Primary School

Morrells Teacher's book 1 cover
  • Learn how to sit correctly, hold and use a pencil/pen correctly
  • Teaches letter formation in the correct handwriting families not the reading families
  • Helps to form letters correctly and confidently
  • Revise, practise and correct letter formation frequently
  • Teaches joined-up handwriting using diagonal and horizontal strokes
  • Understand which letters are best left unjoined
  • Dyslexia and Dyspraxia friendly

How to order

School customers can order via email, telephone or online opting for ‘Invoice School’. We can invoice your school regardless of the size of order.

Supporting schools, colleges, universities, independent teachers and parents

5 Reasons why you should choose Morrells Handwriting for your school

1. Easily slots in as a whole school action plan
2. Proven to quickly raise handwriting standards
3. Supports children with poor handwriting
4. Targets specific handwriting problems
5. Make progress in all areas of the English language

It is never too late to correct illegibility with Morrells Handwriting.

Handwriting video

The contents of this page are the Copyright of Morrells Handwriting 2008-2025. Any evidence and research from 3rd parties is always quoted and accredited to the author. You are welcome to quote any content from our website, if it is quoted and accredited to Morrells Handwriting. Failure to do so is an infringement of our Copyright.
All rights reserved to Morrells Handwriting.